More About Me

Vera Payton The Realtor LLC.- Client Focused! Result Driven!

Originally from Chicago, Vera traveled between Illinois and Wisconsin most of her life. She graduated from South Division high school and joined the US Navy to pursue her entrepreneur dreams. After she accomplished that goal, with an honorable discharge, she opened her first salon. Vera operated a successful full-service salon, with a full staff, a large clientele, and stylist to the stars. She went on to acquire a second salon, an associate degree in Small Business Entrepreneurship, an undergraduate degree in Business Administration/Management, and her cosmetology practitioner, manager, and instructor licenses. Vera loves spending time with family, traveling, having fun, and spas.

Vera spent 20 plus years servicing people in her previous career, and she looks forward to doing the same in real estate! One of her favorite sayings is from Paul Mitchell Chicago, a cosmetology school she taught at. "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care"!

Now that she has raised her two children, a son (30), and a daughter (18), she asked God what is next for her? And He led her to real estate. With her experience in the military, she is loyal, trustworthy, discipline, has time management skills, is a collaborator, and a servant leader. With her experience in running businesses, she understands deadlines, being frugal, and negotiating. But most of all her experience with people! They say your hair stylist knows more about you than your family! That is because she knows how to listen to what the person wants, needs, and do not need. She has the ability to take what someone describes and create something beautiful just from listening. She loves to see people win in whatever they are trying to pursue, especially the underdog. She likes to motivate, encourage, and speak life into people.

Vera has a natural propensity for customer service, she intuitively knows what people want without too much explaining. If you are seeking a REALTOR that is relatable, a people person, innovative, trustworthy, and cares, then she is it. A Realtor that has an awesome work ethic, that you can have fun with, but also classy and business minded enough to trust to make one of the largest investments in life. Buying, Selling, and Investing in real estate. Client Focused! Result Driven!

